A new project of the Horizon Europe program, ST(R)E(A)M IT, has been launched to initiate changes in gender inequality in STEM education, research and innovation. The project is aimed at overcoming gender inequality...
Part4CM Project
Workshop by the Department of Investment Policy, Projects, International Relations, Tourism and City Promotion of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council
with AlinaOn March 15, the New Energy Science Campus hosted a workshop within the framework of the Romania-Ukraine Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation (Part4CM) project. The project partners summarized the results of their work and shared their successes during the...
Do you recognize the exhibit? It is not surprising! New Energy not only successfully popularizes science among Ukrainians, but also shares its experience with Europeans. As part of the Part4CM international project of our NGO BRIT, in the city of Botșani (Romania),...
Recently, the Innovation Promotion Center was opened in Botosani, Romania, to promote innovative science among young people and teach them to think in energy-saving ways. The exhibits presented there are based on the models...
Part4CM Project
Charging station for the project “Romania-Ukraine Partnership for Climate Change Mitigation”
with AlinaOur new solar-powered charging station is open from morning to evening. The excellent location in the heart of the city proved to be convenient, so there are always enough people who want to recharge! The charging station has a system...
27 січня 2023 року у місті Івано-Франківськ поруч із стадіоном “Рух” було відкрито нову станцію для зарядження електромобілів.Вона працюватиме від сонячних панелей та перші місяці заряджати автівки на цій станції…
On December 15, 2022, members of the BRIT NGO together with the eDigiStars beneficiaries held an online meeting to discuss the sustainability of the project results. The first report was made by Iryna Darvay, Chairman of the Board of the BRIT NGO, who...
On November 8-9, 2022, the final meeting of all the countries participating in the eDigiStars project took place in Budapest. Members of the BRIT NGO were able to join most of the presentations and discussions online. During the conference, participants shared...
На навчання, коли тобі 50+? Можливість працевлаштування? Так! Ви маєте можливість БЕЗКОШТОВНО опанувати навички з цифрової грамотності та використати їх у своїй майбутній роботі, просто взявши участь у проєкті eDigiStars.…